Monday, November 24, 2014

First trust in yourself

A person will never trust other unless he trust in self. First be a believer to become an achiever later. Building trust takes much time and only few seconds for mistrust to destroy any relationship; personal or official. 

For more read at

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Take Risks

If you win, you will be happy.
If you lose, you will be wise.

That is the twin benefits of taking risk in our life.

But certain risks are not worth considering as they spoil you.
Take smoking for instance. It injures both the smoker and the environment.
That's why the adage " A cigarette is a thing with fire at one end , fool at the other."

A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor.
It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is the slaughter of the worries in you.

Smiling shows the mild enjoyment of a situation,but does not mean the emotion from the heart. It's a facial expression and arises from the brain.

Laughter alone emerges from and stirs up the whole body. That's why it is commonly said as " Laughter makes you healthy". Because, after the wholesome exercise of laughing, your body exhausts energy that leads to the appetite and sound sleep.

Therefore, laugh your way to wholesome life.