Saturday, June 29, 2013


Never hesitate to thank when anybody helps irrespective of the value of such help.

Similarly, thank for what you get and what you have.

Never grieve for that you couldn't get .

Also do not complain about the problems .Rather find ways to resolve them.

Be liberal for praising and thanking anybody for encouraging the positive aspects of life.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cool Outdoor Jobs

The Glass door site has compiled a list of the outsourcing jobs where a person will get to experience the salubrious effect of  green grass.The list climbs from the lowest rank of preference to the top.

10. Island Tour Guide
9. Golf Director
8. Pyrotechnic Operator
7. Landscape Architect
6. Flight Attendant
5. Parasail Captain
4. Event Planner
3. Park Ranger
2. Marine Biologist
1. Lifeguard

How about your taste. Not grass but something else.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Many of us think that keeping away from the routine means "Rest".

Absolutely not.

When we do our work at a constant level without excitement and stress, we tend to feel good and healthy. Which means that whenever difficult circumstance arise, we should keep going without getting affected by them.

It's easier said than done. But practice and perseverance can make you understand this.

Have you wondered " How our heart works without any rest" . The secret is "steadiness and calmness " during the work.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Language is an important aspect of self-expression or presentation.
People who use it to their advantage have become successful.

Be it writing or talking, you can express your viewpoints in a pleasant and concise manner instead of being hard and boring way.

The listener or reader should yearn for more from rather than ignoring you.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


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1. List your unwanted items for sale at and convert them into cash (just one TCredit per listing).

2. Redeem your TCredits on any of over 82,000 products at TripleClicks (see TCredit price on product details pages).

3. Place bids on Pricebenders Auctions.

4. Download great music from the TC Music Center (just one TCredit per song!), and more.

To learn more about TCredits, see  Tripleclick site.

Free Job Online

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• Avg. Time between enrollments: 19 seconds

This website provides free and latest tools and methods to market and sell your brand of products. Or you can sell them to make an attractive income to you.

Be One among these and share the growth by sitting at your home.

Click SFI Affiliate Marketing to enroll yourself.

Internet for All

Project Loon is a research and development project being developed by Google with the mission of providing Internet access to rural and remote areas using high-altitude balloons placed in the stratosphere at an altitude of about 20 km to create an aerial wireless network with up to 3G-like speeds.

The balloons are maneuvered by adjusting their altitude to float to a wind layer after identifying the wind layer with the desired speed and direction using wind data. Users of the service connect to the balloon network using a special Internet antenna attached to their building. The signal bounces from balloon to balloon, then to a ground-based station connected to an ISP, then onto the global Internet.

The system aims to bring Internet access to remote and rural areas poorly served by existing provisions, and to improve communication during natural disasters to affected regions.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Hackers made a theft of $45millions from bank ATMs in 27 countries was reported in Newspapers. This happened in the Prepaid debit cards which is reported to be vulnerable to the highest risk of hacking .These cards have fewer built-in controls than Credit and Debit cards issued by banks.

Better avoid using such prepaid cards issued by small time and unknown companies.

Read more on Precautions on Security of Network

Inspire Your Work

Whether you're a CEO, an intern, or anywhere in between, It can be difficult to stay motivated at work. There are priorities, challenges and distractions. Here are eight ways I've found to get myself in a good place to be productive, at work and in life, when I'm in need of some inspiration:

1) Read a book.
2) Write a blog post or letter.
3) Exercise.
4) Write a thank you note.
5) Perform a random act of kindness.
6) Read inspiring quotes.
7) Listen to music.
8) Watch an inspiring video.

Read more at 8-simple-ways-to-inspire-yourself-at-work

Monday, June 17, 2013

Veg Egg

Substitute for chicken eggs is under development, a US company has reported.
Veg Egg is being produced from plant products.

Good news for veggies.

Friday, June 14, 2013


According to a new study, Smartphone apps help users save 88 minutes in a day or 22 days a year.

Email apps were the most frequently used apps, followed by text and social networking apps.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Many people have the tendency to blow up even the small mistakes of others. This is more so, if the other person is an enemy.

But it's wrong to view the mistakes only by totally ignoring the good actions of the same person.

This is akin to a small black dot in a white cloth, always attracting our attention and condemning the cloth itself as dirty.

So always weigh out the good and bad of a person to decide about that person's character.

Optimists always see the good sides.
Opportunists are interested in bad sides of anything.

Monday, June 10, 2013


If you rely on truth in life, you are moving towards God.

Because, truth always wins ultimately.

Fire will hurt even when it is touched in a secret place.

Many people behave to be over smart but betraying their own selves.

Friday, June 7, 2013


Sleep recharges our body and mind. But it's a state of temporary death as we do not sense anything while in sleep mode.

Death is a state of permanent sleep for our body and according to Hinduism, it is the process by which the soul or spirit changes the body through the next brith.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Save for Needy


This is the theme of World ENvoronment Day celebrated today5/6/2013.

Let us not waste the precious food when many people all over the world go hungry.
It will save the valuable resources for the future generations also.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Free way

All fields in our life are fraught with stiff and cutthroat competition .

But religion unites them all when striving to reach God .

Again among the religions, all members aim for the Ultimate only without any fight and competition.

Love and affection are the mainstay of life before and after death.

Monday, June 3, 2013


The hidden basement of any building protects the visible superstructure against all weather conditions.

Similarly, the god also hidden within you is the saviour of your exterior self: He lives, guides and protects if you rely on him.

But those who ignore that Him fail to succeed in life.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


When detected in early stage, Cancer is curable.
There are many people who live happily after treatment.
Moreover, if needed, one should better go for removal of the cancerous portion of the body.

Recently, One popular actress has declared that mastectomy was performed to remove her breasts as treatment of cancer.

When life is important than the organs of body, discarding the diseased organ or portion is advisable.