Wars are fought for several reasons. Some are Egoism, Materialism, Supremacy, etc...
But war never decides who is right , only who is left.
After the Kalinga war, Emperor Ashoka was stunned by the question raised by a Buddhist monk as" What did you achieve except the death of thousands of the warrior." This became the turning point in the life of the emperor who later embraced the Buddhism and vowed not to resort to any battle thereafter. Not only that, he took several measures to propagate the message of peace.
After the Kalinga war, Emperor Ashoka was stunned by the question raised by a Buddhist monk as" What did you achieve except the death of thousands of the warrior." This became the turning point in the life of the emperor who later embraced the Buddhism and vowed not to resort to any battle thereafter. Not only that, he took several measures to propagate the message of peace.