One Childhood incident led Ramana Bhagwan to the realization of SELF which is called ATMA ( Sanskrit word meaning "SOUL") and which is actually the property of GOD...
Thereafter,he left his home without informing anybody to seek the blessings of God and set out as a saint for Thiruvannamalai aka Arunachala, a small town about 196 Kms from Chennai city, Tamilnadu. He stayed there through his life and attained the heavenly abode on 14th December1950.
A shooting star was reported to be seen moving slowly across the sky and sinking behind the peak of the holy mountain of Thiruvannamalai when he breathed his last.A clear indication not only of his devotion to God Shiva but also his Oneness with it.
The Maharshi called the holy mountain Arunachala as the spiritual Heart of the world. Aruna, which means 'red, bright like fire', does not signify the mere fire that gives off heat. Rather, it is Jnanagni, the Fire of Wisdom, which is neither hot nor cold. Achala signifies hill. Thus, Arunachala means the 'Hill of Wisdom'.
Eager to know the preachings of Bhagwan. Read at Sri Ramana Maharshi
Thereafter,he left his home without informing anybody to seek the blessings of God and set out as a saint for Thiruvannamalai aka Arunachala, a small town about 196 Kms from Chennai city, Tamilnadu. He stayed there through his life and attained the heavenly abode on 14th December1950.
A shooting star was reported to be seen moving slowly across the sky and sinking behind the peak of the holy mountain of Thiruvannamalai when he breathed his last.A clear indication not only of his devotion to God Shiva but also his Oneness with it.
The Maharshi called the holy mountain Arunachala as the spiritual Heart of the world. Aruna, which means 'red, bright like fire', does not signify the mere fire that gives off heat. Rather, it is Jnanagni, the Fire of Wisdom, which is neither hot nor cold. Achala signifies hill. Thus, Arunachala means the 'Hill of Wisdom'.
Eager to know the preachings of Bhagwan. Read at Sri Ramana Maharshi
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